Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Off Guard

Since I purchased a new PC I figured I'd new a set of headphones so I don't wake the house at night.

I also asked my little brother to order a new clutch slave cylinder for my automobile.

So I decided to go to the Circuit City at the mall he works at. Two birds, one stone(that needs to be a movie title).

So as I'm walking towards CC I get on my phone to tell my younger sibling I'm in the area I get approached by a guy with a Fruit Roll-up box and says, "Want a Fruit Roll-up? Here you go." One has to be mad to pass up Fruit Roll-up, so he says, "Donation would be welcome, 3 for $5."

Got 'em.

Note to self: Don't use phone in public, might purchase Brooklyn Bridge.

To end on a good note, yesterday I purchased a wallet so G that it has been banned in thirty-two states and five U.S. Territories.

See me in the streets.


Mimi said...

i hope to hell those fruit roll-ups were tasty and nutritious

mo said...

If you were a real gangster, you'd still have your OG Famicom me.